Recognize this guy? Yes, that's Arnold Schwarzenegger, 72 years old, born in Thal, Austria. I was reminded of Arnold today because I have being seeing the trailer for his new movie, the 6th in the Terminator series.
Wow! How did Arnold, born in a less than ideal situation in Austria, get to where he is today?
Arnold in the book Fantastic, by Laurence Leamer says that at age twenty he told a friend, "I want to win Mr. Universe many times like Reg [Park, his idol]. I want to go into films like Reg. I want to be a billionaire. And I want to go into politics" (p. 66).
I want to win Mr. Universe many times like Reg [Park, his idol]. I want to go into films like Reg. I want to be a billionaire. And I want to go into politics.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
How's he doing?
Arnold won the Mr. Universe 5 times and is arguably the greatest body builder of all time. He has appeared in over 50 movies, way surpassing his idol Reg Park. Arnold served two terms as the Governor of California. Is he a billionaire? No, at least not yet. His net worth is estimated at only $400,000 - $800,000.
Now Mr. Schwarzenegger isn't a perfect man, and his dreams aren't probably yours. But, Arnold evidently had a firm grasp on what he wanted to do even at the age of twenty and he has stuck with it. Now, not all of us have figured out, especially by age twenty, what we want to focus on in life. In fact, it is safe to say that many never do. Or even if we wrestle with and come to grips with a dream, have we attempted to make it happen, or did we settle for safe? And if we have made the attempt, have we stuck with it? I don't know how many times I have asked someone, how they are doing and they respond, "living the dream.", but in a half sarcastic, down trodden tone.
Do you have a dream?
Something you've wanted to do, or be.
Shoot me an email or give me a call. Let's talk about going through a "Dream workout" where you can put your dream to the test.
Troy Vande Lune
Leadership Speaker, Trainer and Coach